We use Entrupy to authenticate our designer handbags. Entrupy is the world's first and only on-demand authentication service which uses Artificial Intelligence to distinguish whether or not an item is authentic. Entrupy takes microscopic images of many elements within the handbag and then uses machine learning algorithms to analyse the authenticity. Entrupy is 99.1% accurate and has been used since 2012, and also provides a full financial guarantee for any handbag which is certified as authentic.
Love Luxe offers an in-house authentication service for designer handbags, suitcases, trunks and some smaller accessories such as wallets, pouches and purses.
The cost of an authentication is £30 for all brands except Hermes. It is the responsibility of the customer to arrange and pay for, shipping to and from our office in South Yorkshire.
Hermes items are charged at £85 per authentication
(exotic skins are not supported)
To find out more or to book an authentication please
Contact Us